Other Products

Below is just a brief sample list some of the products lines we carry regularly in our store. You can learn even more about a few of the these brands on our blog

aor-logoAOR is another one of our favorites. Their integrity and quality of products make the AOR difference. They collaborate with academia and researchers across the globe to provide unrivalled innovation and unmatched quality in all their natural health products. Their motto says it all, “The right molecule in the right dose, at the right place and at the right time“.   We wish would have thought of that, as that statement truly defines our own passion for the products we sell.

Thorne-Research-logoThorne although not Canadian, we consider as local as can be. Scientifically formulated and manufactured in Sandpoint, Idaho, just south of the border from us, it provides researched-based, high quality natural products, including foundational vitamins and minerals, therapeutic-focused nutritional supplements, and NSF Certified for Sports products. It is one of the companies of choice for Canadian professional naturopaths and practitioners.

innate_headerINNATE, uses whole food/plant based nutritional supplements that promote the bodies INNATE healing capabilities. The ‘Cadillac’ for specific healing issues, our professional practitioners will occasionally pull out the big guns.

pranarom Pranoarom is our main essential oil line. It is a professional, 100% pure, beautiful line from Belgium. The quality is second to none and prices are affordable. We are extremely grateful to have found this line as it is not widely available for resale here in Canada.

dr-reckewegDr. Reckeweg, the preferred Homeopathic brand of Canadian practitioners. We have a passion for homeopathy that can never be fulfilled. The more we know, the more we want to learn.

Skincare & Beauty Suppliers NZ Elizabeth Arden PROPro Derm and Elizabeth Arden Pro are our two professional skin care lines. Usually only available in dermatologists offices, we work with our clients on a professional basis, focusing on individual concerns and requirements, to get the most out of their skin care. We also carry Viva. One of the cleanest, most effective, natural skin care products on the market in Canada.

botanica-logo-fbBotanica’s super critical extracting process allows their softgel and tincture products to maintain the properties and potencies of the whole plant. Super critical process, super effective results.

Flora, a German based company, their raw ingredients go through stringent testing to meet their standards for production. Pure European quality.

ede5d08172f78fc068af10445ec1bf50Natural Factors, pioneers in the industry in general, they are a go to staple in our store.

new_chapter_new_logo_-_white_background_-_web_0_0New Chapter, pioneers in whole food based supplements, hold a special place in our heart.